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How To Get Rid Of Strawberry Legs For Good

How To Get Rid Of Strawberry Legs For Good

Have you ever noticed tiny polka dots on your legs after shaving? 


If so, you are not alone! This is a common reaction to hair removal methods like shaving, and is called strawberry legs. Though sometimes you’ll get it on your upper arms and even your tush. Really anywhere that tends to be exposed to friction from clothing.


It gets its name from the resemblance they have to the tiny seeds on strawberries. 


What are strawberry legs?


Also known as strawberry skin, it happens when the membrane skin around your pores or hair follicles gets over-stripped by shaving or waxing. When the skin is over-stripped it tends to overproduce repair cells, also known as scar tissue. Those red or brown dots are microscopic scar tissue.  If you happen to have lighter skin, they tend to be more visible.


What causes strawberry legs?


Conditions like inflamed hair follicles, clogged pores, and dry skin can further aggravate the issue and accelerate the onset of strawberry legs. Shaving tends to be the biggest culprit here because it creates a vicious circle. 


The very act of shaving not only over-strips the skin but also inflames the follicles in the process.


How do you get rid of strawberry legs? 

Switch to sugaring! That’s stating the obvious. But in more general terms, you want to stop doing the thing that’s causing the problem first. 


While you give your skin a break from shaving or waxing, be sure to give the skin plenty of opportunity to heal by exfoliating gently and regularly and nourishing the skin with hydrating (with Hyaluronic Acid as seen in our Silk Slip) and regenerating ingredients like seed extracts, plant stem cells, and antioxidants.


Sugaring is both a hair remover and an exfoliant. It works by removing the dead skin and hair from the follicle, leaving you with clean pores and the perfect environment for your skin to regenerate.


Another method of exfoliation which actually also detoxes your skin by stimulating blood flow to your capillaries is Dry Brushing (which you can do every week for 5 minutes with our Glow Wand).


Exfoliation is the most effective solution for strawberry legs, so why not kill two birds with one stone and remove your hair and exfoliate at the same time, and in between your sugaring sessions you can extend your glow with the Glow Wand.


It’s really a win-win!


Don’t let your strawberry legs or arms get you down. It's common and very easy to treat with the right personal care routine. If you start this week your strawberry legs will be a thing of the past in 8-12 weeks.


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